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Now downloading free:IBM GY28-2047-4 Time Sharing System Operator Task and Bulk IO PLM Sep71

IBM GY28-2047-4 Time Sharing System Operator Task and Bulk IO PLM Sep71 free download

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File No. 8360-36 GY28-2047-4 Program Logic Version 8.1 IBM System/360 Time Sharing System Operator Task and Bulk I/O This publication describes the internal logic of the Operator Task, Batch Monitor, BULKIO Preprocessor, BULKIO Task, and certain command and macro instruction processing routines associated with the above tasks, which operate under the IBM Systero/360 Time sharing System. The intended audience is the system programmer concerned with the maintenance of these system tasks. The book consists of an introduction to main operator control and nonconversational operations, and a description of the Operator Task and Batch Monitor, the BULKIO Preprocessor, the BULKIO Task, the command routines, macro instruction handling, and time shared utility programs. Logic flowcharts are provided for all the routines discussed. Appendixes detail control blocks used, external modules called, a module directory, the active remote table, and the Operator Task and BULKIO modules using RCR macro instructions. Prerequisite publications The reader must be familiar with the information contained in: IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Concepts and Facilities, GC28-2003 System Messages, GC28-2037 System Control Blocks Program Logic Manual, GY28-2011 PREFACE This publication describes the internal of the individual programs. The manual logic of the operator Task, Batch Monitor. provides flowcharts for the above programs BULKIO Preprocessor, and BULKIO task and appendixes that detail data areas and programs, as well as certain command and modules called by these programs. macro instruction processors. The programs may be initiated by the System Operator or by the Batch Monitor as background tasks. This manual requires familiarity with overall TSS/360 techniques and terminology, The manual discusses: as ccntained in: Batch Monitor and Operator Task (TASKID 001). IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: Concepts and Facilities, GC2S-2003. BULKIO Preprocessor. System Messages, GC28-2037. System Control Blocks Program Logic BULKIO Task (TASKID 002). Manudl, GY28-2011. Command Processors. In addition, familiarity with the Macro Instruction Processors. following publication is highly

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