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Now downloading free:Keithley MaxThroughputSwitch AppNote

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Number 3089 Application Note Designing a High Throughput Switch System for Series Semiconductor Measurements with the Model 707B or 708B Semiconductor Switch Matrix Mainframe Semiconductor characterization labs, technology development semiconductor switch system that will take maximum advantage labs, modeling labs, and reliability labs often require several of these mainframe capabilities. different source and measurement instruments as well as connections to multiple devices. Switching ensures that test Switch System Configuration connections, and thus measurements, are made with a high Selecting the correct switch matrix card to route the signals degree of repeatability. The potential for a variety of connections of interest is critical to attaining the desired measurement between the device pins and instrumentation makes the matrix accuracy and resolution. The cost of a sub-picoamp measurement an appropriate switch configuration, as illustrated in Figure 1. instrument and a 10MHz C-V meter is wasted if those signals are being routed through a switch with an offset current specification of 1nA and 100kHz bandwidth. The impact of the switch card must be taken into consideration for both AC and Model 2636A DC measurements. SMU A DC Characterization A B SMU B For low current measurement, select a switch card with an offset Model 2636A current that's lower than the anticipated measurement. The offset SMU A A current is a noise current on the card that exists even when no B SMU B external signals are being routed. This noise current is the result DC of the switch card's design and cannot be eliminated. Common

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