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Now downloading free:IBM Y33-7006-0 ALGOL To PL1 PLM

IBM Y33-7006-0 ALGOL To PL1 PLM free download

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File name:Y33-7006-0_ALGOL_To_PL1_PLM.pdf
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Model:Y33-7006-0 ALGOL To PL1 PLM 🔎
Original:Y33-7006-0 ALGOL To PL1 PLM 🔎
Descr: IBM 360 algol Y33-7006-0_ALGOL_To_PL1_PLM.pdf
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File name Y33-7006-0_ALGOL_To_PL1_PLM.pdf

File No. 5360-29 Form Y33 -7006-0 Program Logic IBM System/3S0 Conversion Aids: ALGUL-to-PL/I Language Conversion Program for IBM Systlem/3S0 Operating System Program Numbeir 360C-CV-711 This documen-t describes the internal logic of the ALGOL-to-PL/I Language Conversion Program for the IBM System/360 Operating System. Program logic manuals are intended for use by IBM system and customer engineers involved in program main- tenance, and by system programmers involved in altering the program design. Program logic information is not necessary for program operation and use. Therefore, distribution of this manual is limited to persons with program maintenance or modification responsibilities. Restricted Distribution This document describes the structure ~~n_~Y

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