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Keithley SPEC-3750 free download

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Model 3750 Keithley Instruments, Inc. Multifunction I/O Card 28775 Aurora Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139 1-888-KEITHLEY 40 Digital I/O, 2 Analog Outputs, 4 Counters GENERAL Channels 1 - 5: Bidirectional, high current digital I/O (40 bits) Channels 6 - 9: 32-bit counter (4 counters) Channels 10 - 11: Isolated voltage and current analog outputs (2 each) DIGITAL I/O1 Configuration: 40 bidirectional digital I/O bits arranged in 5 banks of 8 bits each. Each bank can be configured for either input or output capability. 1 bank of I/O is equivalent to 1 system channel. Digital Input specifications: An internal weak pull-up resistor of approximately 68 k is provided on the card for each I/O. This pull-up resistor can be removed via onboard jumper on a channel (8 bit) basis. The pull-up voltage can either connect to the internally supplied 5V or an externally supplied voltage of up to 30V via onboard jumper. An internal 5V supply connection is separately available to run external logic circuits. Digital Input logic low voltage: 0.8V max Digital Input logic high voltage: 2V min. Digital Input logic low current: -600uA max @ 0V Digital Input logic high current: 50uA max @ 5V Logic: Positive True. 2 System Input Minimum Read speed : 1000 readings / second. Maximum externally supplied pull-up voltage: 30V Maximum externally supplied voltage to any digital I/O line: Pull-up voltage (5V internal or up to 30V external) 1 All channels power up configured as inputs. 2 All channels configured as inputs. Specifications are subject to change without notice. SPEC-3750 Rev. A / July 2008 Page 1 of 4 Model 3750 Keithley Instruments, Inc. Multifunction I/O Card 28775 Aurora Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139 1-888-KEITHLEY 40 Digital I/O, 2 Analog Outputs, 4 Counters Digital Output specifications: Each output has an internal fly-back diode for driving inductive loads. Each output is protected against continuous short circuits and over temperature. An internal 5V supply connection is separately available to run external logic circuits. Digital Output logic high voltage: 2.4V minimum @ Iout = 10mA. sourcing only. Digital Output logic low voltage: 0.5V maximum @ Iout = -300mA sinking only. Maximum output sink current: 300mA per output, 3.0 A total per card. Logic: Positive True. 3 System Output Minimum Write speed : 1000 readings / second. Maximum externally supplied voltage to any digital I/O line: Pull-up voltage (5V internal

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