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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-6550-11 Data Management for System Programmers Rel 21.7 Apr73

IBM GC28-6550-11 Data Management for System Programmers Rel 21.7 Apr73 free download

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File name GC28-6550-11_Data_Management_for_System_Programmers_Rel_21.7_Apr73.pdf

File No. 5360-20 Order No. GC28-6550-ll OS Systems Reference Library OS Data Management for System Programmers Release 21 This publication consists of self-contained chapters, each of which provides information on how to modify, extend, or implement the data management capabilities of the IBM System/360 Operating System control program. It is designed primari ly f or system programmer s responsible for maintaining, updating, and extending the operating system features. Topics: Catalog and VTOC Maintenance IECDSEC'l', IEFJFCBN, and IEFUCBOB Macro Instructions The EXCE Macro Instruction The XDAP Macro Instruction Implementing Data Set Protection Adding a ues Image to the system Library Twelfth Edition (April 1973) This edition replaces the previous edition (numbered GC28-6550-10) and its technical newsletter (numbered GN26-0750) and makes them both obsolete. This edition applies to release 21.7 and to all subsequent releases unless otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newsletters. Significant changes are summarized under "Summary of Amendments" following the list of illustrations. Each technical change is marked by a vertical line to the left of the changed area. Information in this publication is subject to significant change. Any such changes will be published in new editions or technical newsletters. Before using the publication, consult the latest IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography, GA22-6822, and the technical newsletters that amend that bibliography, to learn which editions and technical newsletters are applicable and current. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to the IBM branch office that serves you. Forms for reader's comments are provided in the back of this pUblication. If the forms have been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Programming Center-Publishing, Department D58, Monterey and Cottle Roads, San Jose, California 95193. All comments become the property of IBM. @ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1966, 1967,1968, 1969, 1970, 1971,1972,1973 Preface This publication consists of self-contained chapters, each of which provides system programmers with information on how to modify, extend, or implement the data management capabilities of the IBM system/360 Operating System control program. Although the information in one chapter is sometimes related to information in"another, all chapters have been written as separate and complete units. It is assumed that users of this publication are thoroughly familiar with the design of the operating system and its features. Such information can be obtained in IBM Syste~360 Operating System: Introduction, GC28-6534. Each chapter contains its own introductory section and list of prerequisite publications. This organization has been used to reduce cross-referencing.

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