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Now downloading free:IBM GC20-1792-1 System3toDOS VSE ConversionGuide nov79

IBM GC20-1792-1 System3toDOS VSE ConversionGuide nov79 free download

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GC20-1792-1 F i l eN o . 5 3 7 0 - 3 4 System to Disk Operating /3 Storage System/Virtual Extended(DOS/VSE) Systems ConversionGuide This guideis intendedto assist System/3 the userwho is converting a DOS/VSEsystern, be usedasthe prinrary to to reference docunrent the conversion. presents for It a cor.nparison Systern/3and DOS/VSE featuresand gives of procedures convcrting DOS/VSE, for to eithern.ranually or witir prograrrturing tools. Throughnunterous examples, the usercan seehow to change currentprograms, his files,and operation control language con'rparable to DOS/VSE prograns,filesandjob control language. Wherecourparable functionsdo not exist,an alternate approach suggestcd. is The guidealsopresents suggested a migrationplan ar.rda checklist thingsto consider, of and directsthe userto availablenrigration tools. The guidewill be of interestprimarilyto peoplewithin the dataprocessing departrnent. The DP Inanager find will introductoryinforrnation, migrationguidelines, systent and conrparisons. systemprogranrnter find irtftrrntatiot.t The wiil on the systemcontrol prograln, system generati<,rn, and library considerations. application The prograntnrerwill infbrmationon prograu'l find specific control conversiott, cardconversion, sortsand utilities. In addition,rttanagement outsidethe dataprocessing departurent rnaybe interested in the overview, advantages DOS/VSE, the of and migration considerations. SecondEdition (November1979) Iteferences in this publication to lBlll products, programs, or servicres not imply do 1 . h a t B M i n t e n d s t o m a k e t h c s e a v a i l a b l eo u t s i d c t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . I r \ t b r r n l o r r e a d e r ' sc o m n r

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