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Now downloading free:Keithley 4200-903-01 (C - May 2006)(QSG)

Keithley 4200-903-01 (C - May 2006)(QSG) free download

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File name:4200-903-01 (C - May 2006)(QSG).pdf
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Model:4200-903-01 (C - May 2006)(QSG) 🔎
Original:4200-903-01 (C - May 2006)(QSG) 🔎
Descr: Keithley SCS 4200 4200-903-01 (C - May 2006)(QSG).pdf
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File name 4200-903-01 (C - May 2006)(QSG).pdf 4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization System Quick Start Guide 4200-903-01 Rev. C / May 2006 A G R E A T E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E Model 4200-SCS License Agreement NOTICE TO USERS: CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING LICENSE AGREEMENT (THE "AGREEMENT"). USE OF THE SOFTWARE (THE "SOFTWARE") PROVIDED WITH THE 4200-SEMICONDUCTOR CHARACTERIZATION SYSTEM (THE "4200-SCS") CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, PROMPTLY RETURN THE SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING ITEMS, INCLUDING ANY WRITTEN MATERIALS AND PACKAGING, TO THE LOCATION WHERE YOU OBTAINED THEM FOR A FULL REFUND. Grant of License Keithley Instruments ("Keithley") grants to you, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the portion of the Software developed and owned by Keithley (the "Keithley Software") on the 4200-SCS and to use the manuals and other related materials pertaining to the Software which are necessary or desirable for the implementation, training or use of the Software (the "Documentation") for your own internal business use and not for the benefit of any other person or entity. You may copy the Keithley Software into any machine-readable or printed form only for backup purposes or as necessary to use the Keithley Software or the 4200-SCS in accordance with this Agreement. The Keithley Software and Documentation and any copies or modifications thereof are referred to herein as the "Licensed Product." Ownership Keithley and certain third party suppliers (the "Owners") own all right, title and interest in and to the Licensed Product. You acknowledge that all right, title and interest in and to the Licensed Product will remain the exclusive property of the Owners, and you will not acquire any rights in or to the Licensed Product except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. The Licensed Product contains material that is protected by U.S. copyright laws, trade secret laws and international treaty provisions. Limitations on Use You may not make the Software available over the Internet or any similar networking technology. You may not remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices from the Licensed Product or any media relating thereto. You agree that you will not attempt to reverse compile, reverse engineer, modify, translate, adapt or disassemble the Software, nor attempt to create the source code from the object code for the Software, in whole or in part. Sublicense You may sublicense the Keithley Software, subject to the sublicensee's acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You may not rent, lease or otherwise transfer the Licensed Product. Termination This Agreement is effective until terminated. Either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if the other fails to perform or observe

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