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Now downloading free:Keithley SPEC-CVU-KIT (A- Sept 2014) 001

Keithley SPEC-CVU-KIT (A- Sept 2014) 001 free download

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File name SPEC-CVU-KIT (A- Sept 2014)_001.pdf

CVU-3K-KIT and CVU-200-KIT Keithley Instruments High Voltage Bias Tee Kits 28775 Aurora Road Instrument Specifications Cleveland, Ohio 44139 1-888-935-5595 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Keithley Instruments Model CVU-200-KIT and CVU-3K-KIT high voltage bias tee kits provide high voltage AC + DC measurement capability for Keithley's Parametric Curve Tracer (PCT), SourceMeter instruments and the PCT-CVU multi-frequency C-V meter. When used with the ACS Basic software, they provide a complete 2- or 3-terminal capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurement capability for power semiconductor devices such as MOSFETs, IGBTs, diodes, and other devices. These kits are specifically designed for the Model 8010 High Power Device Test Fixture, but will also work with a variety of other test fixtures. However, they will only work with the 4200-SCS or PCT-CVU C-V meters. In addition to providing AC + DC capability, they enable I-V and C-V measurements without changing cables or connections. If connecting to a probe station, the Model 8020 High Power Interface Panel may be a better solution. CONDITIONS This document contains typical performance characteristics and supplemental information for the Models CVU-3K-KIT and CVU-200-KIT. These specifications are for the bias tee kits only and do not include external cables. Characteristics, supplemental characteristics, and typical values are non-warranted, apply at 23

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