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Now downloading free:Keithley 707B 708B flyer

Keithley 707B 708B flyer free download

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Descr: Keithley 707B 707B_708B_flyer.pdf
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New semi test applicatioNs demaNdiNg greater throughput aNd maximum low curreNt performaNce? Time to demand the new industry standards for high-speed switching. Semiconductor test applications that require higher-speed test Even more important, these new switch mainframes sequences and greater overall throughput demand our newest help you test faster, more flexibly, and more cost-effectively high-speed semiconductor switch mainframes, the six-slot than ever before: Model 707B and the single-slot Model 708B. They're ideal companions for Keithley's line of high-performance matrix n NEW digital control platform for higher throughput: switch cards, including our industry-standard, ultra-low- This new platform supports dramatically faster command- current Model 7174A Air Matrix card and the Model to-connect speeds for higher test throughput. Even in the 7072-HV High-Voltage Semiconductor Matrix Card, which slowest mode, you can boost throughput by as much as 40% can deliver up to 1300V to any pin on the DUT or probe card. without any code changes. n NEW interfaces for greater flexibility: Now you can n Low-leakage matrix configurations with up communicate with or program either mainframe remotely to 576 crosspoints per mainframe via the LXI/Ethernet connection, USB port, GPIB, and our ultra-fast TSP-Link

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