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Now downloading free:Keithley AIM3A 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley AIM3A 500RevA DocSpec free download

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500-AIM3A High Sensitivity Analog Input Module SPE~IFICAJIONS(~VEAR, - 28'Cj - WC Input Channels: 32 single-ended, 16 diiieremial, sofware selectable input Impedance: YIOOMR in parallel with 25pF Input Bias Current: 50nA hnax, O-70 *C). Cain: xl, xl 0, x100; software selectable Gain Accuracy (% of reading): xl, +0.05%; x IO and xl 00, to.01 "A Input Offset Voltage (max): x1,250~v;x10&x100,25~v V,,Temp Coefficient (max): xl, 50 fiV/T; xl 0, 6 pV/`C; xl 00, 2 ~V/`C CMRR: xl, >70 dB; x10, >90 de; x100, >lOO dB (DC to 60 Hz, 1kR unbalance) Input Protection (maxI: i3OV, powered; *15V , unpowered Settling Time to 0.01% (max): 15 microseconds Input Noise (max): xl, 24 PV,~,; x10, 2.7 &IV,",,; x100, 1 .3 FV,~, Gain Nonlinearity: f0.005% of range, all ranges Gain Temp Coefficient (max): rtO.O02%/`C of range, ail ranges .TR REVISIONS 1APP. OATE ORN.C;# DATE&u A ~`OOICXRELEAS.FD & 1-4-90 CKD. OATE Kelthley lnstrur Ckkland, Ohic - APP. DATE SPECIFICATIONS PARTNIJI 500 -AIM3A SPECTA

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