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HISENSE Hisense+PDP4220EU free download

LCD Liquid crystal display TVs

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PDP4220EU SERVICE MANUAL (V1.0) 12, 2005 1 CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTION...3 PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE...3 SPECIFICATIONS... . ... 4 MAIN SPARE PARTS... ... 5 BLOCK DIAGRAM... 6 FUNCTION OF CONJUNCTIONS... 7 SIGNAL DIAGRAM... ... 10 AUDIO DIAGRAM... ... 11 TROUBLE SHOOTING... 12 SOFTWARE UPDATING... 15 STAND INSTALLATION... 16 PDP WALL-MOUNTING GUDIE... 17 SERVICE MODE MENU... ... 19 PDP4220EU CIRCUIT DIAGRAM... .21 PDP4220EU BOM LIST...40 2 CAUTION: BEFORE SERVICING THE CHASSIS, READ THE "SAFETY PRECAUTION" "PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE"ON PAGE 1 OF THIS MANUAL. SAFETY PRECAUTION WARNING: Service should not be attempted by anyone unfamiliar with the necessary precaution on thisreceiver. The following are the necessary precautions to be observed before servicing this chassis. 1. When replacing a chassis in the cabinet, always be certain that all the protective devices are put back in place, such as: non-metallic control knobs, insulating covers, shields, isolation resistor-capacitor network etc. 2. When replacing parts or circuit boards, disconnect the power cord. 3. When replacing a high wattage resistor (oxide metal film resistor) on the circuit board, keep the resistor 10mm (1/2in) away from circuit board. 4. Connection wires must be kept away from components with high voltage or high temperature. 5. If any fuse in this TV receiver is blown, replace it with the FUSE specified in the chassis parts list. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE Many electrical and mechanical parts in the chassis have special safety-related characteristics. These characteristics are often passed unnoticed by a visual inspection. Replacement parts, which have these special safety characteristics are identified in this manual and its supplement electrical components having such features are shaded on the

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