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General Electric 31-21456 GE RANGE free download

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Descr: General Electric 31-21456 GE RANGE.pdf
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IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE NOTE: The orifices have spring loaded retaining BURNER OUTPUT RATINGS; BTU/HR LOW FLAME (SIMMER) ADJUSTMENT 183D8077G179 T H I S I N F O R M AT I O N I S I N T E N T E D F O R U S E B Y P E R S O N S POSSESSING ADEQUATE BACKGROUNDS OF ELECTRICAL, rings around the hex head to hold the orifice in the nutdriver during installation and removal. Natural Gas, 5" W.C.P The top burner valves have low flame/simmer adjustment screws in the center of the control SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ELECTRONIC AND MECHANICAL EXPERIENCE. ANY ATTEMPT TO A slight amount of force is required to push the BURNER BTU RATE ORIFICE SIZE valve shafts. A flashlight may be required to R E PA I R A M A J O R A P P L I A N C E M AY R E S U LT I N P E R S O N A L INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. THE MANUFACTURER OR nutdriver down over the ring. RF 17,000 0.0783" (1.98mm) locate the screw. A thin, flat bladed screwdriver REPLACING ORIFICE HOLDER AND TUBING

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