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Now downloading free:LeCroy 93XXC-OM-E12

LeCroy 93XXC-OM-E12 free download

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File name:93XXC-OM-E12.PDF
[preview 93XXC-OM-E12]
Size:191 kB
Model:93XXC-OM-E12 🔎
Original:93XXC-OM-E12 🔎
Descr: LeCroy LECROY 9300 Series Operating 93XXC-OM-E12.PDF
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name 93XXC-OM-E12.PDF

=RRP 0DWKHPDWLFV DQG 0DWK 6HWXS =RRPLQJ IRU 3UHFLVH :DYHIRUP 0HDVXUHPHQWV Several traces can be zoomed from a single waveform to obtain precise timing measurements. For instance, on a waveform composed of two pulses separated by a long delay, Trace A could be made a zoom of the first pulse, and Trace B a zoom of the second. The combination of long memory and zooming allows extremely accurate time interval measurements. And the time resolution on the viewed trace can be significantly improved. For example, choosing 50 000 points per channel on a timebase of 0.1 ms/div, traces can be expanded to as much as 50 ns/div -- a factor of 2000. Using Relative Time cursors (see Chapter 14), a delay of, say, 500

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