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Agilent 5991-4715EN English 2014-08-27 PDF 227 KB c20141007 [4] free download

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File name 5991-4715EN English _ 2014-08-27 _ PDF 227 KB c20141007 [4].pdf

Keysight Technologies Materials Measurement: PCB Materials Application Brief 02 | Keysight | Materials Measurement: Dielectric Materials - Application Brief Overview Solution The dielectric properties measurement such as relative permit- The resonant cavity method provides high accuracy in the mea- tivity (dielectric constant: Dk) and dielectric loss tangent (dis- surement at speciic resonant frequency points. You can measure sipation factor: Df) is essential for the development and quality Dk and Df at multiple frequency points with high-order resonant assurance of PCB materials. Traditionally, the dielectric properties frequencies or using plural resonant cavities. For example, the of PCB materials for commercial use have been tested at rela- method with Split Post Dielectric Resonators (SPDR) is one of the tively low frequencies such as 1 MHz and 1 GHz. The required easiest and highest accuracy methods for measuring complex measurement frequencies are being increased in line with the permittivity and loss tangent of low loss and thin sheet materi- trend to higher data transfer speeds for mobile handsets, PCs and als 1. It can provide a convenient, accurate, and nondestructive tablet devices. For example, PCB materials for wireless communi- measurement of a substrate and printed circuit board. The SPDR cation devices are tested at frequency points between 1 GHz and ixtures can be purchased in single frequencies from 1 to 22 GHz 10 GHz frequency range. from QWED or through Keysight Special Handling Engineering. Keysight offers a complete solution that includes the 85071E Op- tion 300 software and an Keysight vector network analyzer 1,2 E5063A network analyzer with 85071E Option 300 software Dielectric Resonator Sample Dielectric Resonator Figure 2. Structure of Split Post Dielectric Resonator (SPDR) SPDR ixture Figure 1. Typical system coniguration with SPDR Figure 3. Measurement result with SPDR fixtu

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