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Now downloading free:IBM Y27-2046-3 2260 2848 FETOM Mar68

IBM Y27-2046-3 2260 2848 FETOM Mar68 free download

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Field Engineering Theory Of Operation Restricted Distribution Th is manual is intended for internal use only and may not be used by other than IBM personnel without IBM's written permissioh. 2260 Display Station, Models 1 and 2 2B4B Display Control, Models I, 2, and 3 (Serial No. SO,OOO Series) Y27-2046-3 PREFACE This manual presents the detailed theory of opera- This is a reprint of Y27 -2046-2 incorporating tion of the IBM 2260 Display station Models 1 and 2, changes released in the following F. E. Supple- and IBM 2848 Display Control Unit, Models I, 2, ments: and 3. However, the description of the 2848 Dis- Form Number Pages Affected Date play Control pertains only to those units whose Y27-2165-0 4-10, 4-11 and Sept. 11, 1967 serial numbers are 60,000 or above. 4-18 The following publications can be used to sup- plement the information provided in this manual: Y27-2171-0 v through vii, Dec. 1, 1967 IBM 2260 Display Station, IBM 2848 Display 1-3 through 1-6, Control Maintenance Manual (Form 1-21,1-22,2-97, Y27 -2047 -2) 2-98,2-123, IBM 2260 Display Station, IBM 2848 Display 2-124,2-125, Control FE Diagram Manual (Form 2-126, 6-1 through Y27 -2048-2) 6-4, B-1 through 1052 Printer Keyboard and 1053 Printer Main- B-3, X-I through tenance Manual (Form 225-3179-2) X-8 add pages Medium Power Standard Power Supplies (Form 2-124A and 2-124B 223-2799-0) IBM 1052, 1053 CEMI (Form 225-3179) IBM System/360 I/O Interface - Channel to Control Unit - Original Equipment Manu- facturers Information (Form A22-6843

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