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Now downloading free:IBM GA22-6958-1 707x Compatibility Feature for IBM-370 165 168

IBM GA22-6958-1 707x Compatibility Feature for IBM-370 165 168 free download

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File name GA22-6958-1_707x_Compatibility_Feature_for_IBM-370_165_168.pdf

GA22-6958-1 (File No. 5/370-13) I 7070/7074 Compatibility Feature for IBM System/370 Systems I Models 165, 165 II, and 168 ) ) Preface The IBM 7070/7074 Compatibility Feature, operating with ORGANIZATION OF THIS PUBLICATION a complementary set of programs, constitutes the 7074 emulator. Basically, the emulator is a hardware-aided The information in this manual is organized as follows: simulator program. It operates much like an interpretive- routine simulator program, but at a speed about five times Following the Contents is a list of abbreviations and faster. With the emulator, System/370 Models 165, 165 II, notation forms used in this publication. and 168 can run 7070 and 7074 programs at speeds that, in The Introduction contains a general description of emula- general, equal or exceed those of the original systems. tion and provides basic information on the compatibility feature and the emulator program. The section "Emulator Organization" describes the func- tions of the compatibility feature and of the emulator PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS program and their relationship to each other. This section The reader of this publication should be familiar with the also includes information on acceptable data formats and information contained in the following publications: program/feature communication. IBM 7070-7074 Principles of Operation, GA22-7003 The section "Emulator Instruction Set" describes the IBM System/370 Systenl Summar)', GA22-7001 format, application, and action of each instruction provided IBM System/370 Principles of Operation, GA22-7000 by the compatibility feature. 7074 OS Emulator on System/370 Reference, The Appendix contains information concerning conver- GC27-6948. sion of graphics and internal codes. () Second Edition (June 1973) This major revision obsoletes GA22-6958-o and Technical Newsletter GN22-o428, and expands the scope of this manual to include System/370 Models 165 II and 168. Any significant technical change (addition,

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