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Now downloading free:Keithley 576 903 01A

Keithley 576 903 01A free download

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I 1 SECTION 1 - Introduction *Higher speed, more data storage than conventional data loggers. *English-like, firmware-resident commands support conditional testing, subroutines, and data management. *Compact, powerful programs can be downloaded, stored, and executed independent of the computer. eon-board real-time clock/calendar for time/date stamping and time triggering. *Expansion slot for transducer signal conditioning or additional I/O channels. *Operates from 12-18V AC/DC, or 115/23OV AC. lGPIB interface for compatibility with widest range of computers. 4erial accessory for operation with computers having an RS-232 port. l-l Host Computer Standud: 16single-ended or8 diHerentia1 channels, plus 8 s.e. inputs compatiblewith 3B signal conditioningsub-system. Analog tigger circuit operates with analog input for high-speed, oscilloscope-liketriggering. Channels F.S. Ranges* Notes 16/8 lO/l/O.lF 576-l -12&t, 62.5kHz A/D C-1/2 digit) 16/8 10/1/0.1v" 576-2 -&bit, 5OkHzA/D (4-l/2 digit) l-3 I Expansion slot: Additional channels or signal conditioning. Module F.S. Ranges* Notes AIM3A 32/16 10/1/0.1/0.01v** Full-speed scanning at all gains AIM4 4 5/0.5/0.05/0.005v Isolated inputs AIM5 4 0.05/0.005v"* Isolated inputs, V or thermocouple. AIh46 4 0.1 /o.o3v lOOnRTD (-200 to 700

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