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Now downloading free:IBM SY24-3395-3 1403 Models N1 and 3 Maint Manual Dec71

IBM SY24-3395-3 1403 Models N1 and 3 Maint Manual Dec71 free download

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File name:SY24-3395-3_1403_Models_N1_and_3_Maint_Manual_Dec71.pdf
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- ====-=- - - --- - -- --- - - - -.-- - - - - --- --. -~- - - ---- _.-- - Maintenance Library --- -- -- - -- - - -- -- -- -- - - ----- ----- Printer Models N1 and 3 - --- -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - Maintenance Manual SY24-3395-3 Preface Safety Observe the following danger notes in the sections where they occur. I This manual provides the 1403-trained service representative DANGER (Page 1-36) with information for maintaining and repairing the 1403 Printer Models Nl and 3. Sections included are: Be careful when working on the reservoir unit. The access hole may have sharp edges. Reference Data DANGER (Page.4-4) I Diagnostic Techniques Service Hints Preventive Maintenance Never remove the spring coil bracket screws Checks, Adjustments, and Removals unless you support the stacker in the fully Power Supply raised position. Print Quality Concepts DANGER (Page 4-7) The associated Theory of Operation manual is IBM 1403 Printer Models N1 and 3, SY24-3518. Refer to the When the cover is fully open from the rear on appropriate systems logics for programmed diagnostic machines having only one lift screw, and this routines and tests. screw is going to be removed, the SAFETY LOCK must be installed. I DANGER (Page 5-1) Be careful of this volt

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