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Now downloading free:Keithley 2772 TIps for Electrical

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E tinues to be a challenge. With standard gate dimensions of less than 90nm and space budgets shrinking continuously, the small- est probe pad dimensions required for most prober systems remain fixed at about 50 microns. This limitation is largely the result of the inaccuracy of probe movements and the size of the probe tips. This challenge is being solved with new probing tools that offer nanometer movement precision with probe tip diameters of less than 50nm and current measuring capability better than 1pA Tips for Electrical (see Figure 1). This article will focus on measurement techniques that can be applied to character- Characterization of izing carbon nanotubes, low power devices, and what can be done to overcome various sources of measurement error. Carbon Nanotubes and Methods and Techniques Low Power Nanoscale Consumers are demanding faster, more

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