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Now downloading free:Keithley AD847

Keithley AD847 free download

Mother board, main board pcb info and schematics

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Original:AD847 🔎
Descr: Keithley 2001 ds AD847.pdf
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a High Speed, Low Power Monolithic Op Amp AD847 FEATURES CONNECTION DIAGRAM Superior Performance High Unity Gain BW: 50 MHz Plastic DIP (N), Low Supply Current: 5.3 mA Small Outline (R) and High Slew Rate: 300 V/ s Cerdip (Q) Packages Excellent Video Specifications 0.04% Differential Gain (NTSC and PAL) 0.19 Differential Phase (NTSC and PAL) Drives Any Capacitive Load Fast Settling Time to 0.1% (10 V Step): 65 ns Excellent DC Performance High Open-Loop Gain 5.5 V/mV (RLOAD = 1 k ) Low Input Offset Voltage: 0.5 mV Specified for 5 V and 15 V Operation Available in a Wide Variety of Options Plastic DIP and SOIC Packages Cerdip Package Die Form MIL-STD-883B Processing specifications which include an open-loop gain of 3500 V/V Tape & Reel (EIA-481A Standard) (500 load) and low input offset voltage of 0.5 mV. Common- Dual Version Available: AD827 (8 Lead) mode rejection is a minimum of 78 dB. Output voltage swing is Enhanced Replacement for LM6361

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