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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-6730-1 OS Release 20.6 Update Sep71

IBM GC28-6730-1 OS Release 20.6 Update Sep71 free download

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File name:GC28-6730-1_OS_Release_20.6_Update_Sep71.pdf
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File name GC28-6730-1_OS_Release_20.6_Update_Sep71.pdf

File No. S360-36 (OS ReI. 20.6) Technical Newsletter Base Publ. No. GC28-6730-1 This Newsletter No. GN28-2498 Date: September 1, 1971 Previous Newsletter Nos. GN28-2496 IBM System/360 Operating System: Release 20 Guide This Technical Newsletter, a part of release 20.6 of IBM System/360 Operating System, provides replacement pages for the subject publication. These replacement pages remain in effect for sub- sequent releases unless specifically altered. Pages to be inserted and/or removed are: Cover, Edition Notice Memo to Users 1-23, 1-24 1-25, 1-26 (text rearrangement only) 1-47 through 1-49 2-3 through 2-28 2-29 through 2-74 (removed and not replaced) 2-75 through 2-86 2-87 through 2-90 (removed and not replaced) 2-91 through 2-121 2-123, 2-124 3-3 through 3-48 3-49 through 3-64 (removed and not replaced) 4-13 through 4-16 Summary of Amendments A new "Memo to Users" has been supplied. The START, STOP, and MODIFY commands have been expanded for TSO. The APAR and Module Summary lists and the ordering procedures have been changed. Note: Please file this cover letter at the back of the manual to provide a record of changes. IBM Corporation, Programming Systems Publications, P.O. Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602 PRINTED IN U. S.A. File No. 8360-36 Order No. GC28-6730-1 DS m Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Operating System: Release 20 Guide PREFACE This publication describes the content and status of the'IBM system/360 operating system as of release 20. It provides installation managers, system programmers, and I~l Field Engineering personnel with information useful in planning for implementation of release 20. The reader should be familiar with the information presented in the following publications: IBM System/360 Operating System: System Generation, GC28-6554. system Programmer's Guide, GC28-6550. This publication is in four parts: 1. A functional summary o

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