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Now downloading free:IBM GA27-3004-2 General Information Binary Synchronous Communications Oct70

IBM GA27-3004-2 General Information Binary Synchronous Communications Oct70 free download

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File name GA27-3004-2_General_Information_Binary_Synchronous_Communications_Oct70.pdf

File No. TP-09 Order No. GA27-3004-2 Systems Reference Library General Information -Binary Synchronous Communications This publication describes the Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) procedures in general terms. The major topics covered are: BSC concepts (including transmission codes and data-link operation), message formats, additional data-link capabilities, and planning con- siderations. The reader should have a general understanding of basic data processing principles. A comprehensive listing of all related publications and their abstracts is provided in the IBM SRL Bibliography Supplement-Teleprocessing, GA24-3089. Preface Abbreviations This publication is intended as a general introduction to ACK positive acknowledgment binary synchronous communications (BSC) procedures. BCC block-check character BSC binary synchronous communications It describes the capabilities and flexibility inherent in CRC cyclic redundancy checking BSC, including available options. EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange This publication discusses BSC in seven main sections, Code which include: EOT end of transmission LRC longitudinal redundancy checking

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