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Now downloading free:IBM B232 Software Subsystems in MVS; Antognini

IBM B232 Software Subsystems in MVS; Antognini free download

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:SSHARE: - = SHARE SESSION REPORT B232 Software Subsystems in MVS 225 SHARE NO. SESSION NO. SESSION TITLE ATTENDANCE MVSE MVS Project Mary Jane Akin NNL PROJECT SESSION CHAIRMAN INST. CODE Northwestern Nat'l Life, Route 3235, 20 Washington Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55440, 612-372-5695 SESSION CHAIRMAN'S COMPANY, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER SOFTWARE SUBSYSTEMS IN MVS Session B232, SHARE 61 24 August 1983 James Antognini (IBM) described the elements of subsystems: Identification to New York NY MVS, initialization, subsystem interface, subsystem function support, authoirzation, restrictions, command broadcast, notification of other events, and uses and advantages. A copy of the foils from this presentation and a paper are attached. James Antognini IBN Santa Teresa Laboratory 555 Bailey Avenue San Jose CA 95150 ... o.-J 17 August 1983, 11:16:01 ~ Abstract Subsystems in the classical MVS sense are often spoken of but seldom understood even though they are integral to MVS (the master and job entry subsystems). Subsystems are programs started through the master subsystem; they are able to accept

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