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Now downloading free:Keithley 500 933 01C

Keithley 500 933 01C free download

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DIM1 Digital Input Module 1 The DIM1 Digital Input Module provides 16 channels of digital input with resistor pro- grammable thresholds from +5 to +28V. As shipped, the module is configured for 5V TTL inputs. Each channel can be optically isolated from system circuitry and other in- put channels. The settling time of the isolation circuit is 5psec, allowing sampling of high-speed digital inputs. All connections are made to on-card screw terminals which accept 16-24 gauge wire leads. The DIM1 module can be installed in any available slot in the system. To install the module, insert it into the slot connector with the component side facing the power supply. Generally, digital modules should be placed in the high-numbered slots if any analog modules are present. CAUTION: Always turn off the baseboard power before installing or removing modules. To minimize the possibility of excessive EM1 radiation, replace and secure the top cover before operating the unit. User-Configured Components Resistors RlOl-R116 can be configured by the user to provide a variety of input thresholds, permitting the connection of digital inputs from +5V to +28V DC. The module is shipped with 2703 resistors already installed, allowing TTL level inputs on all input channels. See Table 1 for user-configured components on the DIM1 module. There is one bank of screw terminals at the top of the DIM1 module. 32 screw ter- minals for the positive and negative inputs for each channel on the module as we11 as +5V and ground. These terminals accept 16-24 gauge wire stripped 3116 of an inch. Figure 1 shows the locations of these components. In addition, two jumper networks, WlOl and W102, connect the + terminals of the inputs together. Table 1. User-Configured Components on the DIM1 Module Component Designation Function Resistors RlOl-R116 Voltage programming resistors for each input channel Screw Terminals J136 Positive and negative input connections +5V, GND Terminals Internal power supply connections Jumper Network WlOl Connects + inputs of channels O-7 together Jumper Network w102 Connects + inputs of channels 8-15 together Document Number: 500-933-01 Rev. C DIMl-1 aye ul sainpom htx~~ %lsn uay~ uayq aq plnoys a183 'vc 03 pa+puy sr djddns $e?y$ ax.ns iitddns AS+ p.n?oqawq aye ~1x04 vt.1108~ SM'?.TPalnpour ImIa a$h~s e 'uo;r)em%3 -uo3 sy$ ~J!M $ey$ a$o~ 'suo~~~auuo~ a~npocu 30 aldmexa UE so3 z a;

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