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Now downloading free:Keithley 160(Model160 and163)

Keithley 160(Model160 and163) free download

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL Model 160 Digital Multimeter and Model 163 Digital Voltmeter J OCOPYRIGHT 1976, KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. PRINTED MAY 1976, CLEVELAND, OHIO, U.S.A. MODELS 1.60.163 CONTENTS MODEL 160,163 ILLUSTRATIONS r 1.4 15 2? 16 ,. ii( 17 i7 18 1.9 2" 21. 22 23 MODELS 160,163 SPECIFICATIONS 1074 SECTION 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1171 Functional 0escripti.m 2-4 2-3 SECTION 2. OPERATION MODELS 160, 163 I<,~, ,,,,:,:,, ,,,,,:.,:,!,,,:,i;d :,L,,I.,. : :. ., ,' T"p"t Volt.3 Readout Designation I 1.999 x 10-3 1.999 Ill" 1.999 x 10:: 19.99 Ill" 1.999 x 1" 199.9 1.999 1.999 v 19.99 19.99 " 1~99.9 199.9 v 1000 MODELS 160, 163 Decimal Point I'ositio" xx.x .xxx xxx x.xx xx.x xxx 0572 specifications, model 1602 8 I SECTION 3. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION -----------------------------. 14 ACCESSORIES M0Dm.S 160, 163 SECTION 4. ACCESSORIES GENERAL. The Model 1601 is a combination ac-dc probe that enables the user co measure voltages from 45 HZ to 45 kHz when used with either the Model 160 or 163. Item NO. Description KeiChley Part No. me slide svitch (S101) can be used eo Select either AC mode or straight-through DC Mode. 246548 24656C SPECIFICATIONS : 3 Body, Rear 2465X

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