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Now downloading free:IBM A21-9033-1 2540 Card Punch Component Description 1965

IBM A21-9033-1 2540 Card Punch Component Description 1965 free download

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File name A21-9033-1_2540_Card_Punch_Component_Description_1965.pdf

File Number S360 -03 Form A21-9033-1 Systems Reference Library IBM 2540 CompoI1lent Description 1 and Operating Procedures This publication explains the operating principles, procedures, and controls of the IBM 2540 Card Read Punch. Special features for the 2540 are also discussed. Refer to the SRL publication, IBM 2821 Control Unit, Form A24-3312, for information concerning the commands, status and sense indicators, and other programming considerations that affect the 2540. This publication is a major revision, and obsoletes the previous edition, Form A21-9033-0. R~:start procedures have been revised in several places, and other minor changes have been made throughout the manual. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Address comments concerning the content of this publication to: IBM Corporation, Product Publications, Dept. 245, Rochester, Minn. 55901 C International Business Machines Corporation 1965 CONTENTS 5 IBM 2540 CARD READ PUNCH 5 Introduction 5 Operating Principles 5 Data-Mode 1 5 Reading 5 Punching 5 Stacker Selection 8 Special Features 8 Data-Mode 2 8 Punch Feed Read 9 51-Column Interchangeable Read Feed 9 Operator Controls 9 Reader Controls 10 Punch Controls 11 Common Indicator Lights 11 Operating and Restart Procedures 11 Initial Start 11 Restarts from Error Conditions 11 Jam Removal IBM 2540 Card Read Punch IBM 2540 CARD READ PUNCH INTRODUCTION punches in the card and develop a hole count for each column. On the third cycle, the card passes through The IBM 2540 Card Read Punch is an input~output the read station to the pte-stacker station. Data read device for IBM System/360 Models 30 and higher. from the card during the third cycle enters the read Connection of the 2540 to a System/360 processing buffer in the 2821, from where it will be passed to the unit is made through an IBM 2821 Control Unit, channel in response to the next read instruction. Model 1, 4, or 5, attached to a multiplexor or Also during the third cycle, a second hole count selector channel. All data and control signals trans- is developed by the read brushes for each column and ferred between the processing unit and the 2540 pass compared to the hole count from the read-check sta- through the 2821; buffers in the 2821 permit the tion. Disagreement between the two counts results transfer of data independent of the reading and punch- in a read-check. ing speed of the 2540. The 2540 has separate read and punch

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