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Now downloading free:IBM A24-1495-5 IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography Jun68

IBM A24-1495-5 IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography Jun68 free download

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File No. 1401/1460-00 Form A24-1495-5 Systems Reference Library IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography This bibliography describes reference, educational, and supplemental literature available for installing, programming, and operating the IBM 1401 and 1460 Data Processing Systems. The T ele-processing Bibliography, Form A24-3089, lists the associated Tele-processing literature. Part 1 of this publication lists publications by major subjects. This sequence (subject code) may be used in assembling a library. Part 2 is a cross-index of publications by machine type number. Part 3 contains the abstracts of the publications in form-number sequence. Copies of most form-numbered publications can be ordered through the local IBM sales representative. Systems Reference Library For each major IBM data processing system, a Systems Technical Newsletters Refe

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