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Number 2972 Using the Model 4200-CVU-PWR C-V Power Package to Make Application Note High Voltage and High Current C-V Measurements with the Series Model 4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization System Introduction terminals and it is best that the AC ammeter be connected to the gate of the device if applicable. If this is the case, then the HCUR Traditional capacitance-voltage (C-V) testing of semiconductor and HPOT (or CVH1) terminals of the 4200-CVU are connected materials is typically limited to about 30V and 10mA DC to the other side of the device or to the chuck. The DC bias is bias. However, many applications, such as characterizing C-V supplied by the 4200-SMU, with the Force and Sense from the parameters of LD MOS structures, low k interlayer dielectrics, SMU connected to the Force and Sense terminals of the bias MEMs devices, organic TFT displays, and photodiodes, require tee. The SMU LO terminals and the CVU CVH1 terminals are higher voltage or higher current C-V measurements. For these referenced internally to the system output common. applications, a separate high voltage DC power supply and a capacitance meter are required to make the measurements. 4200-CVU The Model 4200-CVU-PWR C-V Power Package for the Model C H CUR 4200-SCS allows making C-V measurements with a DC voltage SMA Tee bias of up to

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