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Now downloading free:Keithley MAINFRAME 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley MAINFRAME 500RevA DocSpec free download

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System Specificatiam sERISS5ooNA.INFR44E Interface; Custan parallel bus, COMeCtiJIg Series 500 mainfranks to IW or Apple through supplied cable and interface Fd. Host cuputer configuration: IBM: PC or XT, 192K RAM(PC-Dos1.1) or 250K (PC-DC62.0). Graphics requires color graphics card and mnitor. APPLE: Apple II or IIE, 128 K PA% Interface cab:-,: 5 fmt shielded. CPU, resident -n host carputeri 8088 (IBM), 6502 (APPLE) Mainframe capacity: User configurable up to 10 cards per mainframe.1 Maximum channel capacity2: Analog Input 272 single ended, 136 differential Arlalog OJtput 50 Digital Input 160 Digital Qltput 160 Pmer supply capacity: + 5v @ 3A max, + 15v @ 5ocmA max. Supply used to per mther board and cards. Ftmer is available at rear of mainframe for external use. Signal connections: Screw terminals on each card AC po&ar requirements: Switch selectable 105 to 125 V&Z, or 210 to 250 VAC. 50 or 60H2, 1OCW max. *rating tenperature: 0 to 40

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