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Now downloading free:Keithley 28038F(Model180 252C1802)

Keithley 28038F(Model180 252C1802) free download

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Instruction Manual Model 180 Digital Nanovoltmeter INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 180 DIGITAL NANOVOLTMETER (AND MODEL 1802 DIGITAL OUTPUT) Keithley Instruments, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. INSTRUCTION MANUAL Model 180 Digital Nanovol tmeter OCOPYRIGHT 1975, KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. SIXTH PRINTING. JULY 1977, CLEVELAND, OHIO, U.S.A. DOCUMENT NO. 28038 CONTENTS 5. circuit Description 16 5-l. G6Z"SX.d II 5-2. Analog section 17 5-3. Digital Section 21 5-4. Power Supply section 26 6. Replaceable Parts 27 6-1, Replaceable Parts List 27 6-2. Electrical Schematics and magrams 27 h-3. HO" to "se the Parts List 27 6-4. How to order Parts 27 6-5. Code-to-&me list 65 7. Calibration 58 7-l. General 58 7-2. Required Test Equipment 58 7-3. Adjustment b Calibration 58 8. Schematic Diagrams 75 25548E, Mother Board, PC-271 75 25054D, Power supply, PC-272 17 24543D, Input section, PC-278, PC-279 78 25111~0, AC Amplifier, PC-282 79 251121), Chopper Drive, PC-273 80 251170, Isolator Board, PC-274 81 2502411, Ranging Board, PC-280 82 25100D, Relay Board, PC-281 83 250981), Clack Board, PC-300 84 25017", Integrator Board, PC-301 85 248730, Tube Baard, PC-299 86 248660, Digital output, PC-275 87 MODEL 180 ILLUSTRATIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,a 7b 7c 8a 8b (b) EC (cl Ed Cd) 8e 8f 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

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