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Now downloading free:Keithley KPCI-1801-02 DataSht

Keithley KPCI-1801-02 DataSht free download

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Descr: Keithley KPCI KPCI-1801-02_DataSht.pdf
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KPCI-1801HC 333kHz,12-Bit,HighChannel KPCI-1802HC CountMultifunctionBoards Functional Description The KPCI-1801HC/1802HC multifunction data acquisition boards combine high performance with high channel capacity. They make it simple to gath- er analog data, read and output digital signals, provide analog stimulus, and much more. Both boards provide 32 differential or 64 single-ended Combines high performanceText high channel capacity inputs and two analog outputs. The KPCI-1801HC offers software pro- grammable high-gain inputs of 1, 5, 50, and 250, while the KPCI-1802HC features low gain inputs of 1, 2, 4, and 8. You can sample any single channel at any gain up to 333kSamples/s. Multiple channels can be sampled at aggregate rates up to 312.5kSamples/s. These boards feature continuous, high speed data acquisition. An onboard 2048-location FIFO buffer and 32-bit bus-mastering DMA ensure the con- tinuous acquisition of large amounts of data. A 64-location channel gain queue allows high speed acquisition with channels at different gains and Side with in non-sequential order using DMA or interrupt-based data transfer modes. The KPCI-1801HC/1802HC support bus mastering, interrupt, or target mode data transfer methods. The programmable burst mode capability allows you to a

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