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IBM A24-1496-1 1460 sysSummary free download

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File :\'umber 1460-00 Form A24-1496-1 Systems Reference Library IBM 1460 Systems Summary This publication contains brief descrip- tions of the machine features, compo- nents, configurations, and special fea- tures. Also included is a section on programming systems, and the program- ming publications that can be used for the 1460 system. Publications providing detailed in- formation on subjects discussed in this summary are listed in the IBM 1401/1460 Bibliography, Form A24-1495. This edition, A24-1496-1, is a major reVISIOn, and obsoletes A24-1496-0. This edition and Special Features for 1401/1460, A24-3071-0, obsolete Technical Newsletter N24-0089. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Address comments concerning the content of this publication to IBM Product Publications, Endicott, New York 13764. Contents IBM 1460 Systems Summary 5 Magnetic-Tape-Oriented System 21 System Concepts . 5 Magnetic Tape Units 21 Tape Instructions 23 The Stored Program 5 Magnetic-Core Storage 6 Disk-Storage-Oriented System . 24 Magnetic-Tape Storage 7 IBM 1311 Disk Storage Drive 24 Magnetic-Disk Storage 8 Disk Instructions ... 25 Language 8 IBM 1301 Disk Storage, Models 11, 12, 21, and 22. 26 Processing 8 Checking 8 Special Features 28 Solid-State Circuitry 8 IBM 1441 Processing Unit, Model B ... 28 Advanced Design 9 IBM 1461 Input/Output Control, Models 1, 2, 3 29 IBM 1460 Used with Other Systems 9 IBM 1447 Console, :\;lodels 1, 2, or 4 31 IBM Scientific Data Processing Systems 9 IBM 1402 Card Read-Punch, Model 3 31 IBM 1403 Printer .. 32 Card-Oriented System 10 IBM 1311 Disk Storage Drive 32 Physical Features 10 System Data Flow 10 Other Input/Output Units for the IBM IBM 1441

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