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Now downloading free:IBM GG24-1518-0 IMS VS VSAM Interface Guide Mar80

IBM GG24-1518-0 IMS VS VSAM Interface Guide Mar80 free download

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Model:GG24-1518-0 IMS VS VSAM Interface Guide Mar80 🔎
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IHS/VS - VSAH INTERFACE GUIDE Doctiment Humber GG24-1518-00 Ulrich K. Schwenk World Trade Systems Center Santa Teresa San Jose, California This publication was produced using the IBM Document Composition Facility (program number 5748-XX9) Release 2. It was printed on the IBM 3800 Printing Subsystem. The information contained in this docum~nt has not been submitted to any formal IBM tast and is distribut~d on an "As Is" basis without any wsrr~n ty either express or implied. The use of this inform~ticm or the i~p!c~::m tation of any of these techniquQs is a cu~to~~r responsibility ~nd d~~cndG on tha custom~r's ability to evaluata ~nd intc;r~te them into t;1~ custc~~r's operaticnal environ~~nt. W~ile e~ch it~~ m~y h~v~ b:~n reviewed by IBM for accuracy in a specific situation, th~rQ is no gu~r~n tee that the same or similar results will be obtained elseuh~re. custo~ ers atte~pting to adapt these techniques to th~ir o~n envircn~~nts do so a t the i r own r i s k

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