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IBM Installing and Operating Academic Operating System 4.3 Dec88 free download

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Installing & Operating IBM/4.3 IBM/4.3-SMM: I-I Installing and Operating Academic Operating System 4.3 ABSTRACT This article is a revision of an article entitled "Installing and Operating 4.38SD on the VAX," written in April 1986 by Michael J. Karels et al., and found in the UNIX System Manager's Manual. The revisions include additions and changes appropriate to the IBM RT PC and IBM 6152 Academic System. The article contains the following chapters: 1. Introduction provides information helpful in installing and operating IBM/4.3. It covers hardware supported, distribution format, IBM/4.3 device naming and IBM/4.3 block and raw devices. 2. Saving and Restoring Local Modifications describes how to upgrade a currently running release to an entirely new release. 3. Installation Procedures describes how to install the IBM/4.3 system. 4. System Setup describes the procedures used to set up an IBM/4.3 system. 5. Network Setup describes how to configure your system to use the networking support. 6. System Operation describes some typical IBM/4.3 operations on an IBM RT PC and IBM 6152 Academic System. Appendix A. AIX and IBM/4.3 Co-residence describes installing and using AIX on a IBM/4.3 system. Appendix B. MINJROOT Kernel Configured Devices describes the configurable devices supported by the MINIROOT kernel. Appendix C. Building a Master/Server l\1achine describes how very small installations with a single IBM RT PC can combine functions usually shared by several RTs. Appendix D. Building Separate Master and SCrver Machine

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