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Now downloading free:Keithley 428 901 01D

Keithley 428 901 01D free download

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Model 428 Digital Board, Parts List Circuit Keithley Desig. Description Part No. CAl?,,O.47UF,20%,5OV CERAMIC C-237-.47 CAP,47UF,-20+100%,25V,ALUM ELEC c-314-47 CAP,.OlUF,20%,50V,CERAMIC C-365-.01 CAP,15l?F,10%,200V,CERAMIC C-406-15P CAP,l5PF,lO%,200V,CERAMIC C-406-15P CAI',.lUF,20%,50V,CERAMIC C-365-.1 CAP,10UF,lO%,20V,TANTALUM ELECTROLYTE C-204-10 CR5OOCR503 DIODE,SILICON,IN4148 (DO-351 RF-28 J1003* CONN,RIGHT ANGLE,24 PIN cs-501 J1004 CONN,STRAIGHT POST HEADER,3-PIN cs-533-3 J1005,J1007 CONN,HEADER STRAIGHT SOLDER PIN CS-368-20 J1006 CONNECTOR, HEADER CS-715-4 R5OO,R501 RES,18K,5%,1 /CW,COMPOSITION OR FILM R-76-l 8K R502 RES NET, 3.3K,2%,.6W TF-101 R503,R507 RES NET,3.3K,5%,1.25W TF-140 R504,R506 RES,1OO,5%,1/4W,COMFOSITION OR FILM R-76-100 R505 RES,3.3K,5%,1/4W, COMFOSITION OR FILM R-76-3.3K R508,R509 RES NET,3.3K,2%,.25W TF-77 u500 IC,+5V VOLTAGE REGULATOR,LM294OCT IC-576 U501,U502 IC,OCTAL TRI STATE BUFFER,74HCT240 IC-683 u503 IC,DUAL 4 BIT COUNTER,74HCT393 IC-462 u504 IC,VERSATILE INTERFACE ADAPTER,G65SC22 LSI-86 u505 IC,DUAL D FLIT' FLOP W/SET & RESE,74HCT74 IC-515 U506 IC,8-BIT PARALLEL TO SERIAL,74HCT165 IC-548 u507 IC, AND-OR-INVERT ARRAY,I'AL16L8H-15 IC-687A U508 EPROM, PROGRAMMED 428-800A u509 IC,8 BIT MICROPROCESSING UNlT,MC68BO9 LSI-65 u510 IC,I'ROG RAMMABLE E2ROM 2816B LSI-83 u511 IC,(8KX8)HI SPEED STATIC CMOS RAM,6264 LSI-66 U512 IC,QUAD 2-INPUT NOR GATE,74HCT02 IC-510 u513 IC,SUF'PLY VOLTAGE SUPERVISOR,TL7705AC IC-602 u514* IC,GPIB ADAl'TER,9914A LSI-49 u515* IC,OCTAL INTERFACE BUS TRANSCEIVER,75161 IC-299 U516*

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