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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-2007-4 Time Sharing System FORTRAN IV May76

IBM GC28-2007-4 Time Sharing System FORTRAN IV May76 free download

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File name GC28-2007-4_Time_Sharing_System_FORTRAN_IV_May76.pdf

File No. S360-25 GC 28- 2007-4 -- - - - --- - ---- - --- -- - - - -- -- - - ---- Systems Reference Library -- _ . IBM Time Sharing System FORTRAN IV This publication describes and illustrates the use of the IBM FORTFAN IV language for the IBM Time Sharing System (TSS). The IBM FORTRAN IV language is a symbolic programming language that parallels the symlx>lism and format of mathematical notation. It provides programming feat.ures and facilities that can be used in FOR'IRAN programs to solve mathematical problerrs. '!be material in IBM FORTRAN IV is arranged to provide a quick definition and syntactical reference to the var ious elements of FOR'1RAN IV by means of a box format. Each element. is described, with appropriate examples of possible use. '!he reader should have a basic knowledge of the FORTRAN language. While some information relating FOR'IRAN IV to TSS is presented, most of the necessary guidance required by a FORTRAN user to perform a task is given in IBM Time Sharing System: FORTRAN Programmer

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