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Now downloading free:Keithley 501 917 01A

Keithley 501 917 01A free download

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TRGI Analog Trigger Module introduction The TRGl Analog Trigger Module (Figure 1) contains circuitry for one channel of real-time, hardware-based triggering of analog data acquisition. The TRGl module is designed for use with the Keithley AMMlA or AMM2 Analog Master Measurement module, revision D or later, which will be referenced hereout as "AMM module". The TRGl controls the AMM module's high-speed "auto-acquire" mode which is driven by a crystal oscillator located on the AMM. The TRGl provides an A/D start signal which travels over a dedi- cated pathway and initiates A/D conversion on the AMM module. As an alternative to triggering on an analog input, the TRGl can also initiate A/D conversion in response to a global strobe com- mand sent from the data acquisition mainframe. The TRGl module has input ranges of 0 to + IV, 0 to -IV, 0 to + lOV, and 0 to -lOV with an input resistance of 10 megohms. Coupling is selectable for AC or DC signals. Input signals are applied to the TRGl external signal input through a quick-disconnect screw terminal block located on the module, or to the TRGl global amplifier input via a cable which connects to the AMM global amplifier output. The TRGl triggering threshold is set by a programmable, 8-bit D/A converter. A programmable low-pass falter provides input liltering with eight cut-off frequencies from 3OOHz to lMHz. This filter can be used to eliminate noise on the trigger signal which may otherwise cause false triggering. Beside starting an A/D conversion, the TRGl trigger signal can also assert an Interrupt Request (IRQ) to the host computer via the IBIN interface card, which can then be used to implement special-purpose, user-written service routines. Check the documentation and revision level of your IBIN interface to determine whether this feature is implemented on the IBIN. The number of possible trigger configurations is a function of the number of TRGl modules in the system, and how the mode, reset, and cycling features are programmed. These programming tasks are handled automatically by higher-level languages such as Keithley's KDACSOO. U"~UIII"IIC A.u AI"". ., . .a,7-01 R&y0 -A- nnawmmnt Nnqnhc=-+ 501-W Copyright (c) 1989 Keithley Instruments, Inc., Cleveland, OH 44139 (216)248-0400 TRGl-1 , OO 0 I ol3oonlYoooooooo I 0

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