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Now downloading free:Keithley 7002RevC DocSpec

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7002 High Density Switch System SYSTEM THROUGHPUT GENERAL CAPACITY: 10 plug-in cards per mainframe. EXECUTION SPEED OF SCAN LIST ( channels or memory loca- DISPLAY: Dual-line vacuum fluorescent. 1st line: 20- tions per second): character alphanumeric. 2nd line: 32-character MEMORY: Battery backed-up storage for 500 switch patterns. alphanumeric. Channel status LED grid. CHANNELS MEMORIES SWITCH SETTLING TIME: Automatically selected by the LIGHT PEN OPTION: Provides interactive programming mainframe. For different switchcards, 7002 will be set to Break-Before-Make OFF 300 243 of channels, cross points, scan lists, and memory. the slowest relay settling time. Additional time from 0 to ON 270 189 REAR PANEL CONNECTORS: 99999.999 seconds can be added in 1ms increments. TRIGGER EXECUTION TIME (maximum time from activa- IEEE-488; 9-pin DB9 Female; 8-pin micro DIN for TRIGGER SOURCES: tion of Trigger Source to start of switch open or close2): Trigger Link; 8-pin micro DIN for Trigger Link expan- External Trigger (TTL-compatible, SOURCE LATENCY JITTER sion; BNC for External Trigger; BNC for Channel Ready 600ns minimum pulse, rear panel BNC). POWER: 100V to 240V rms, 50/60Hz, 110VA maximum. GET1 200

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