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Now downloading free:IBM C30-2003-3 QTAM Message Processing Program Services Nov68

IBM C30-2003-3 QTAM Message Processing Program Services Nov68 free download

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File name C30-2003-3_QTAM_Message_Processing_Program_Services_Nov68.pdf

File No. S360-30 Form C30-2003-3 OS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Operating System Oueued Telecommunications Access Method Message Processing Program Services Program Number 3605-CO-519 This publication provides information on how to use the Queued Telecommunications Access Method (QTAM) within Option 2 (Multiprogramming with a Fixed Nurrcer of Tasks) or Option 4 (Multiprogramming with a Variable Number of Tasks) of the System/360 Operating System to support a telecommunications application. Services provided by QTAM in support of a message processing program are described in detail, including the facilities provided to establish the interface to a QTAM message control program. For detailed information on the QTAM facilities provided for the construction of a rressage control program" refer to the publication.q .!BM system/360 Operating system: QTAM Message Control Program, Form C30- 2005. PREFACE This publication is intended fer the prob- The first four sections of a companion lem programmer assigned to write a rressage publication, IBM System/360 Operating Sys- processing program to support a QTAM- tem: QTAM Message Control Program, Forrr controlled telecorrmunications system C30-2005, contain general information of operating under the IBM System/360 Cper- interest to the programmer writing a mes- ating System. Included is a general dis- sage processing program" i.e., telecomITu- cussion of message Frocessing frograms, nications applications# concepts and ter- followed by a detailed description of the minology_ and message formats. services QTAM provides in surpcrt of a rres- sage processing program. The CTAM services The prerequisite fer a thorough under- are provided. through standard rracro- standing of this publication is a basic language statements such as GE~, PU~, OPEN, knowledge of System/360 machine concepts and CLOSE. and of the systern/360 operating System. Fourth Edition (November 1968) This edition, Forrr C30-2003-3, is a major revision of, and renders obsolete, Form C30-2003-2. New information has been added throughout the publication; changes and additicns to the text, and small changes to illustrations, are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by a bullet (e) to the left of the caption. Significant changes or additions to the specifications contained in this manual are continually being made.. when using this publication in connection with the operation cf IBM equiprrent, check the latest SRL Newsletter for revisions or contact the local IBM branch office. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to

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