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Now downloading free:IBM C24-9006-4 260-20 CtlPgm Mar69

IBM C24-9006-4 260-20 CtlPgm Mar69 free download

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File name C24-9006-4_260-20_CtlPgm_Mar69.pdf

File Number S360(Mod.20)-36 Form ~24-9006-4 DPS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Model 20 Disk Programming System Control and Service Programs This publication describes the purpose and funct ~')ns of the Control and Serv~ce programs of the IBM System/360 Model 20 Disk Programming System (OPS). The publication is designed to help you use the OPS Control and Ser~ ice programs to build, run" and main- tain a disk-resident system. ' The disk-resident system controls the compilation~ assembly. and execution of problem programs. It offers you many advantages: a core-image library to store your programs, batch job processing for continuous opera- tion~ inquiry for access to specific information while another program is runningr multiphase loading for particularly long programs, and symbolic addressing of I/O devices for greater flexibility. To benefit from this publication" you should have a basic knowledge of the IBM System/360 Model 20, and be familiar with either the Assembler language or RPG. You can find the titles and abstracts of related publications in IBM System/360 Model 20" Bibliography. Form A26-3565. I r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1I I ' IFifth Edition (March~ 1969) I I , !\ I IThis is a major revision Qf. pnd obsoletes C24-9006-3 and Technical Newsletters I IN33-9045 and N33-9049 and N33-9042. I I , I I Most of the text has been rewritten and reorganized to make the publication I leasier to understand. These improvements are not marked. I I I IThe technical changes incorporated in the publication relate to the delivery ofl IIBM System/360 Model 20, Submodel 5, and to the addition of the COPSYS andl I BACKUP programs to the DPS. These technical changes and additions are markedl lin t:he following way: Changes to the text, and small changes to illustrations. I lare indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed 0r addedl lillustrations are denoted by the symbol. to the left of the caption; addedl Ipages are flagged by the symbol

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