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Now downloading free:Keithley 2001SCAN RevB DocSpec

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Scanner Option 2001-SCAN Specifications GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL: Meets all Model 2001 environmental 10 CHANNELS: 8 channels of 2-pole relay input. specifications. 2 channels of 2-pole solid state input. All channels configurable to 4-pole. DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT: 21mm high x 72mm wide x 221mm deep (0.88 in. x 2.88 in. x 8.7 in.). Adds 0.4kg (10oz.). CAPABILITIES a. Multiplex one of ten 2-pole or one of five 4-pole signals into DMM and/or any SCANNER CONFIGURATION: combination of 2 or 4-pole signals, or HI b. Two channel, high speed multiplexing into the DMM, or Channel 1 LO c. High speed ratio or delta measurements. Channels 2-4 Same as Ch 1 FUNCTIONS (can be mixed from channel to channel) HI HI DCV, ACV, 4-Wire , 2-Wire Channel 5 OUT A 4-Wire RTD, Frequency DCI, ACI 2-Wire RTD LO LO Relay Channels: Yes Yes* Yes Solid State Channels: Yes - - HI * On 2 channels, using user-supplied 1/4W shunt resistor. OUT B LO RELAY INPUTS 4-POLE 2-POLE MAXIMUM SIGNAL LEVEL: DC SIGNALS: 110V DC, 1A switched, 30VA maximum (resistive load). HI AC SIGNALS: 125V AC rms or 175V AC peak, 100kHz maximum, 1A switched, Channel 6 62.5VA maximum (resistive load). LO CONTACT LIFE: >105 operations at maximum signal level; >108 operations cold switching. Channels 7-9 Same as Ch 6 CONTACT RESISTANCE: <1 a

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