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Now downloading free:IBM GY28-6714-1 Loader Rel20 PLM Dec70

IBM GY28-6714-1 Loader Rel20 PLM Dec70 free download

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File name:GY28-6714-1_Loader_Rel20_PLM_Dec70.pdf
[preview GY28-6714-1 Loader Rel20 PLM Dec70]
Size:11150 kB
Model:GY28-6714-1 Loader Rel20 PLM Dec70 🔎
Original:GY28-6714-1 Loader Rel20 PLM Dec70 🔎
Descr: IBM 360 os R20.0_Jan71 plm GY28-6714-1_Loader_Rel20_PLM_Dec70.pdf
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment > Oscilloscopes
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File name GY28-6714-1_Loader_Rel20_PLM_Dec70.pdf

File No. 5360-31 Order No. GY28-6714-1 Program Logic IBM System/360 Operating System Loader Program Logic Manual This publication describes the internal logic of the IBM Systeml360 operating System Loader. The Loader functions as a processing program to combine and link input object and load modules in main storage and to pass control directly to the loaded program for its execution. This publication identifies areas of the program that perform specific functions and relates those areas to the program listing. This publication is intended for persons involved in program maintenance, or system programmers who are altering the program design; it is not needed for normal use or operation of the program described. The information on the Time Sharing Option (TSO) in this manual should be used for planning purposes only until such time as the option is available. This is a major revision of, and makes obsolete, Order No. GY28-6714-0 and Technical Newsletters GY28-2401 and GY28-6405. It contains information concerning a new Compiler/Loader interface, the new SYSTERM data set, and new Loader options. All changes to the text, and small changes to illustrations, are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol

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