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Now downloading free:Keithley 176RevA DocSpec

Keithley 176RevA DocSpec free download

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Model:176RevA DocSpec 🔎
Original:176RevA DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 176 176RevA_DocSpec.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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;Model 176 Specifications guaranteed for a full year. DC VOLTS TEMPERAT"RE i INPUT RESISTANCE: ,"M". NMRR: Greater than 6"dO 0 SOHz, 6"Hr. CMRR Ilk" unbalancul: Crcalcr Ihan 12"d" 0 DC. 5"Hz & 6"Hr. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE INPUT: 1"""\`con~inuous on 20,`. 200,`. : 1000v ranger: 3""V cunti"uo"r 0" 2v range: ,"""V momentary I (3 seconds1 on 2V rana ,i AC VOLTS (above 2000 counts) +' OVERLOAD PROTECTION: 2A fuse 0.SOVl. externally accessible. F'":4 11 : GENERAL DISPLAY: 0.6" LCD di& with decimal and polarity indications. low battery warning, ranee and function annunciators. CONVERSION Pi RIOD: 4""mr. RESPONSE: Average responding. calibrated in rms nf a sine wave. OVERRANGE INE )ICATION: Flashin leading digit. 1 ,NP"T IMPEDANCE: ,M" shunted hv IPW ,h.ln I""& / I~~~~,WIUIYI cuwMON .,.V..,.,., r-.,, MODE VOLTAGE: 14""V. ' CMRR Ilk; unbalanceI: Greater than 6"dB 14"dB on ,"""V range, @I ' OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: ""-50

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