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Now downloading free:Keithley PA-728B(4200 CAB)

Keithley PA-728B(4200 CAB) free download

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File name PA-728B(4200_CAB).pdf

Model 4200-CAB-* Cabinets Keithley Instruments, Inc. User's Guide 28775 Aurora Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139 (440) 248-0400 Model 4200-CAB-* Cabinet (Figure 1) is designed to house rack-mounted Model 4200-SCS system components. The 4200-CAB-* is available in four sizes. The -* in the model number defines the cabinet dimensions, as follows: Dimensions without mobile base Model No. Depth Height Width 4200-CAB-20UX 30.7 in. (780 mm) 37.8 in. (960 mm)0 21.8 in. (553 mm) 4200-CAB-25UX 30.7 in. (780 mm) 46.5 in. (1182 mm) 21.8 in. (553 mm) 4200-CAB-34UX 30.7 in. (780 mm) 62.3 in. (1582 mm) 21.8 in. (553 mm) Dimensions with mobile base installed Model No. Depth Height Width 4200-CAB-20UX 34.3 in. (871 mm) 40.8 in. (1036 mm) 21.8 in. (553 mm) 4200-CAB-25UX 34.3 in. (871 mm) 49.5 in. (1257 mm) 21.8 in. (553 mm) 4200-CAB-34UX 34.3 in. (871 mm) 65.3 in. (1659 mm) 21.8 in. (553 mm) NOTE The numerical value in the Model No. suffix represents the number of 1.75 inch mounting units that the cabinet will support. For example, Model 4200-CAB-20U supports 20 mounting units; Model 4200-CAB-34UX supports 34 mounting units. An X in the Model No. suffix represents an extended depth chassis. The side panels and rear panel of the cabinet are removable to allow for easy component installation. To remove the panels, turn the screw at the top of each panel one half turn and lift the panel out of the cabinet. All models of the 4200-CAB-* feature:

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