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Now downloading free:IBM A22-6916-1 360-85 funcChar Jun68

IBM A22-6916-1 360-85 funcChar Jun68 free download

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Model:A22-6916-1 360-85 funcChar Jun68 🔎
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File name A22-6916-1_360-85_funcChar_Jun68.pdf

File No. S360-01 Form A22-6916-1 Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Model 85 Functional Characteristics This publication describes the organization and the functional characteristics of the IB:M System/360 Model 85, an information- processing system designed for very high-speed, large-scale sci- entific and business applications. The system components are describ~d, and a detailed con- sideration is given to the functions of processor storage, the central processing unit, the input/output channels, and the op- erator-control and operator-intervention portions of the system control panel. In addition, certain coding and timing considera- tions are described. The reader is assumed to have a knowledge of information- processing systems and to have read the IBAf System/360 Prin- ciples of Operation, Form A22-6821. Other related literature is referenced by form number and briefly described in IBAf Sys- tem/360 Bibliography, Form A22-6822. I SECOND EDITION (June, 1968) This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, A22-6916-0. The section "System Controls" has been updated to reflect changes in the system control panel. The section "Instruction Times" has been updated to include the high-speed multiply feature times and to reflect changes in the timing formulas. Other changes to the text are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change; changed or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol

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