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Now downloading free:IBM SCI-71-005 A Bibilography for CSMP and its Applications Mar71

IBM SCI-71-005 A Bibilography for CSMP and its Applications Mar71 free download

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CONTINUOUS SYSTEMS SIMULATION BIBLIOGRAPHY A BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR CSMP AND ITS APPLICATIONS This bibliography represents a comprehensive list of papers, articles, and publications related to the IBM Continuous Systems Modeling Programs and their applications. Customers currently using or planning to use: SYSTEM/360 CSMP (360A-CX-16X) 1130 CSMP (1130 -CX -13X) or 1130 CSMP II (5711-XS1) should find this bibliography interesting and helpful. Additional copies are available from the Scientific Computing and High Performance Systems Department, 1133 Westchester Avenue, White Plains, New York 10604. This bibliography was prepared by Mr. Robert D. Brennan, IBM Development Center, 1501 California Avenue, Palo Alto, California 95403. Suggestions for additions to this bibliography are, earnestly solicited. 327 -1 ~'{ru SCI-71-005 March 3, 1971 Scientific Computing and High Performance Systems DPO Headquarters, White Plains, New Yorl< 10601 PAGE 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR CONTINUOUS SYSTEM SIMULATION RESTRICTED TO ITEMS DIRECTLY RELATED TO IBM CSMP APPLICATIONS PREPARED BY ROBERT D. BRENNAN, IBM DEVELOPMENT CENTER, 1501 CALIFORNIA AVE

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