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IBM ET News Letter 1960 free download

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January, 1960 CONTENTS INFORMATION: ROUGH EDGES - MODEL C PLASTIC CARD HOLDERS AND CARBON RIBBON CORNER GUIDES NEW PLASTIC FOR IBM PLATE WRITING RIBBON SPOOLS STRONGER FABRIC RIBBON ANCHOR CLIP SPRING LOOSE NYLON FABRIC RIBBON FEED AND REVERSE GEARS BREAKAGE OF RIBBON LIFT BAIL MOUNTING STUD SHIFT LOCK FAILURE TO RESTORE SHIFT TOGGLE PLATE ASSEMBLIES - FIELD REPLACEMENT INTERMITTENT TYPE PILING SPACEBAR CLIP INTERFERENCE WITH KEYBUTTONS CRIPPLING 3-UNIT SPACEBAR TYPAMATIC ACTION TOOL NUMBER AVAILABLE FOR VALVESPOUT OILER RES- ERVOIR POSITIONING OF VALVESPOUT OILER SPOUT FAILURE OF R. H. CARRIAGE END COVER TO CLOSE IMPROVED FUNCTIONAL CAM OPERATION INTERFERENCE WITH L1NELOCI< SPRINGS REDESIGNED COVER LATCHES CARRIAGERETURNTAPEWEAR - ANTI-WHIPGUARDSLEEVE FABRIC RIBBON BUNCHING ROUGH EDGES - MODEL C PLASTIC CARD HOLDERS AND CAR- BON RIBBON CORNER GUIDES Check plastic card holders and wire carbon ribbon corner guides on the Model C ET for possible sharp edges. Dressing these parts smooth is recommended. The flat file can be used for this purpose. Th is condition has been corrected on current machine production. NEW PLASTIC FOR IBM PLATE WRITING RIBBON SPOOLS Polypropylene plastic is now being used in the fabric ribbon spools of IBM plate writing ribbons. These spools are not affected by the chemical properties of the ink in plate writing ribbons and can be identified by the increase in flexibility over the former spools. ' STRONGER FABRIC RIBBON ANCHOR CLIP SPRING A stronger fabric ribbon anchor cl ip spring is now being used to double the anchor clip's holding force. The new spring carries the same part number (1118357) as the former spring. LOOSE NYLON FABRIC RIBBON FEED AND REVERSE GEARS ; -lylon ribbon feed and reverse gears Part No. 1118312 are now being drilled and tapped all the way through. This will provide an additional hole which may be used to secure the gear if the original hole becomes stripped. This is a temporary change to reduce the necessity of replacing the gear. A permanent modification is being made. BREAKAGE OF RIBBOr-l LIFT BAIL MOUNTING STUD The ribbon lift bai I mounting stud lock nut Part No. 7341 has been changed to elastic stop nut Part No. 103372 to eliminate breakage of the stud due to excessive torque. The torque on the stud has also been reduced on the line. SHIFT LOCK FAILURE TO RESTORE Occasional shift lock failure to restore on Executive machines may be traced to excess end play in the 5-unit selector bail Interfering with movement of the shift lock. The end play in the bai' may be reduced by removing the C-c1 ip on its R. H. end and substituting feed roll clip Part No. 1110093. 2 SHIFT TOGGLE PLATE ASSEMBLIES - FIELD REPLACEMENT The entire shift toggle shaft assemblyshould be replaced if it is nec- essaryto replace the right hand or l

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