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Now downloading free:Keithley 2584 RF Switching2

Keithley 2584 RF Switching2 free download

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E RF signals is one example of such a produc- tion test. Reconstructing the mechanism of mul- tipath interference in a test system is a com- plex procedure, because it requires that noise and time-delayed signals reach the phone under test with appropriate power levels and phase relationships. Figure 1 shows a typical signal conditioning/switching system appli- cation for testing mobile phones. For mobile phone receiver testing, the output of the mobile station test set can be switched through two types of paths: 1) a Management of path through instrumentation that simulates multipath fading and noise interference, and 2) paths than can switch in gain to simulate Microwave Signals varying distances between the mobile phone and the base station. For phone transmitter testing, the output of the phone is directed to in Automated the mobile station test set through either an attenuated or unattenuated pat

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