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Now downloading free:Keithley 2612 KUSB WP

Keithley 2612 KUSB WP free download

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WHITE PA P E R Understanding the Benefits and Potential Hazards of Using USB-Based Data Acquisition Solutions for Test & Measurement Applications Jonathan Tucker Lead Industry Consultant Keithley Instruments, Inc. The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is increasingly gaining favor as an alternative interface for data acquisition and measurement. Computer peripherals such as printers, mice, and digital cameras already use USB as a quick and easy way to connect to a PC. The USB connection simplifies the peripheral installation by eliminating the necessity of "cracking open" the PC to install a plug-in board. USB was created by a group of manufacturers including Intel, Microsoft, and Compaq to simplify connecting external peripherals to personal computers. Today, nearly all desktop and laptop PCs on the market come equipped with at least one USB port. USB ports can also be added to desktop computers using a plug-in board that installs into a PCI bus slot. Equally important, these USB ports have full software support under Microsoft Windows

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