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a g r e at e r m easu r e of con f i dence What Is Ultra-Fast I-V? Example Applications of Ultra-Fast I-V Conclusion ClICk hErE to stArt Ultra-Fast I-V Applications for the Model 4225-PMU Ultra-Fast I-V Module a g r e at e r m easu r e of con f i dence Ultra-Fast I-V Applications for the Model 4225-PMU Ultra-Fast I-V Module IntroductIon Ultra-fast I-V sourcing and measurement have become increasingly important capabilities for many technologies, including compound semiconductors, medium power devices, non-volatile memory, MEMs (micro-electro-mechanical devices), nanodevices, solar cells, and CMOS devices. Using pulsed I-V signals to characterize devices rather than DC signals makes it possible to study or reduce What Is Ultra-Fast I-V? the effects of self-heating (joule heating) or to minimize current drift or degradation in measurements due to trapped charge. Transient I-V measurements allow scientists and engineers to capture ultra high speed current or voltage waveforms in the time domain or to study dynamic test Key Features and Specifications Example Applications of Ultra-Fast I-V circuits. Pulsed sourcing can be used to stress test a device using an AC signal Each Model 4225-PMU Ultra-Fast I-V Module can provide two channels of high during reliability cycling or in a multi-level waveform mode to program/erase speed, multi-level voltage pulse output while simultaneously measuring current memory devices. The Model 4225-PMU Ultra-Fast I-V Module for the Model and voltage. It replaces traditional pulse/measure hardware configurations, which Conclusion 4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization System supports many of these typically included an external pulse generator, a multi-channel oscilloscope, high speed source/measure applications. specially designed interconnect hardware, and integrated software.

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